About ACCA

The Alberta Continuing Care Association (ACCA) is a non-profit, voluntary organization representing the providers of continuing care services in Alberta. We provide a unified voice for our members, a unique alliance of:

  • non-profit and/or faith-based and private owners and operators of home and community care services, supportive living and long-term care; and

  • providers of quality products and services that support continuing care.

Our members provide care and services for over 10,000 individuals in long-term care (LTC) and designated supportive living (DSL), and over 5.7 million hours of home care to Albertans annually.

With a history dating back to 1981, the ACCA strives to advance excellence and innovation in Alberta's continuing care system. We advocate to help our province’s continuing care system become more sustainable, and better aligned with Albertans’ needs while supporting our members to ensure that the Albertans they serve receive the highest quality of care possible.

The diversity of our members is our greatest strength.

For more information, please contact us, or visit the main ACCA website.

Championing excellence in continuing care, since 1981